No Fluff? No Theory! Just Strategies and Action Steps that Chris and Karene have taught successfully to over 4000 practitioners and coaches.
You could spend a lifetime trying to shift through and digest all the books, blogs, podcasts, guides and information on growing a business - or you could take action today.
Everything in this book works and is specifcally designed to get you in action and get you results including:
A roadmap to grow from Start Up to £250,00 (it will also help you go further, if you want to as the fundementals are key at any level)
100 ways to get more of your ideal clients walking through your door
Done for you guidance on how to earn and keep more money
How to talk to clients so that they take action and pay you what you are worth
How to keep going no matter what
Examples of use
You'll get to read about examples of real practitioners and coaches who have or are currently using these strategies to grow their businesses
How to Get Started and Additional Resources
You'll get acess to helpful advice on how to implement each tip, where you can go if you need more help and an additional 100 ways to Get More Clients Now
There are over 500 highlighted action steps for you to follow and implement in your business
There are 2 additional guide on how and were to Network so you can get a 10x return
Build and Run a profitable Heart Centred Business
Now, imagine if you had a heart centred business that served you as well as your clients.
Successful business owners understand the systems needed for success. Once you know the system, you can replicate the result over and over.
Remember, every successful business owner was once in the same place you are. You just need to learn the same systems they learned......
Which brings us to this book:
LEARNT how to focus your message to the exact clients you want to work with and have more of your ideal clients walking through your door.
CREATED true win-win situations where you solve bigger problems for your clients meaning they happily pay you a LOT more money.
RE-CODED your financial mindset and eliminated your self-sabotage patterns so money flows into your life rather than out of it.
BUILT your confidence and established your credibility through effective communication and become recognised as the Go-To Expert in your area.
MADE your business work for you and freed up your time to create the work-life balance you want through effective systems and business structures.
HAD a road-map for how to grow from start-up to multi-6/7 figures so you can avoid the hard slog and multiple mistakes most practitioners and experts seem to make
KNEW: 100 Ways to Get More Clients (Bonus Chapter)
BONUS: Includes £94 of additional materials FREE to get YOU more clients today.
Founder of Expert Empires
Global Business Advisor
Executive Director BNI London
Co-National Director BNI Italy
Switzerland’s #1 Fitness Business Mentor
#1 Global Business Mentors
You Need Support Now More Than Ever...
Good question!
This one-of-a-kind book bridges the gap between the typical business-as-usual and an outstanding heart centred business
Chris and Karene will walk you through the essential steps, strategies and actions needed to grow a 6 or 7 figure heart centred business.
Teaching you the right things in the right order, Chris and Karene have opened the doors to their expertise so you can transform your business right now.
Their clients typically increase their revenue by £50,000-£100,000 within 12 months
of implementing their systems .
With their unique approach gained from two decades experience of building businesses, and personally training more than 3000 business owners how to succeed, Chris & Karene have become known in the media as the UK's Leading Wealth and Business Mentors.
Written by award winning entrepreneurs Chris & Karene Lambert-Gorwyn, this book contains the strategies and techniques they've taught around the world to thousands of business owners.
If you're passionate about helping people, committed to making a difference and want to earn more money for the great work you do, this is THE book for you!
Your free guide on the top 10 components of successful networking. includes the top 50 places to network
40 Minute video explaining exactly how to network successfully so you can generate more clients.
350+ pages of action orientied advice for you to put into practice and make your own
FREE bonus chapter with 100 ways to Get More Clients
2) Instant access to the Grow Your Heart Centred Business ebook!
3) Instant and lifetime access to Networking Video Training
4) An A-Z Networking Guide
© 2023 Heart Centred Buisines - All Rights Reserved
Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earning potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody elses, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material
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